PASHA 183. ALYONKA. 2014

PASHA 183. ALYONKA. 2014

Concrete slab, acrylic paint.

Pasha 183 (Pavel Pukhov) is one of the most renowned Russian street artists. In his works, he unites the street environment with actual symbols of time. The well-known image of "Alyonka" chocolate bar wrapping represents purity and disinterestedness; it contrasts starkly with the dominating power of industry in contemporary society, in which if one has nothing to sell, he or she sells him- or herself.

The original work was created in 2008 on the territory of an abandoned construction site in the "Losiny Ostrov" ("Elk Island") National Park and now is in the collection of Street Art Museum in Saint Petersburg.

In 2014, Zarya CCA held Pasha 183’s personal exhibition named Our Deed is a Feat for which a few of his large-scale artworks were reconstructed, including the Alyonka concrete slab.